Estate Escape LLC hiring to move furniture  
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Listing No. 92134 posted on 13 Sep (Expires on 13 Oct)

Classified         Views: 216

Estate Escape LLC is looking to hire four individuals, part time.   Candidates must be able to lift household furniture up and down stairs.   Must have reliable transportation, and be able to interact well with the public.  Drug testing and background check required.   $20 per hour to start.  301-535-1484.
  • Listing No.
  • 92134
  • Company Name
  • Estate Escape, LLC
Employment Sector Private Company
Job Field Estate Liquidation
Type of Position Part-Time Permanent
Education Required Not Specified
Wage/Salary 20.00
Start Date Monday, September 16, 2024
  • County
  • So. Maryland
  • City
  • All Counties
Advertiser: Kay121989
Member Since: Jun 10, 2021
  Newburg, Maryland
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