Carpenters wanted 
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Listing No. 92190 posted on 19 Sep (Expires on 19 Oct)

Classified         Views: 78

Carpenters wanted for small home improvement company located in Huntingtown to work in Southern Maryland.  Experience in kitchens and baths necessary.  Full time, part time or piece work.   Please call 410-414-3100 for immediate interview.
  • Listing No.
  • 92190
  • Company Name
  • Mid Atlantic Contractors Corp Md
Employment Sector Private Company
Job Field Construction
Type of Position Not Specified
Education Required Not Specified
Wage/Salary $20-35 per hour
  • County
  • So. Maryland
  • City
  • All Counties
Advertiser: MacCorpmd
Member Since: May 8, 2015
  Huntingtown, Maryland
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