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Listing No. 92226 posted on 23 Sep (Expires on 23 Oct)

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Under broad supervision of designated supervisor, to be responsible for and/or lead and assign work to a crew of carpenters.

Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities:

• Oversee project crews in carpentry work required for the maintenance, repair, and alteration of buildings and structures.
• Assist in the supervision/operation of the carpentry shop and assigned personnel, as directed.
• Assist in the coordination of carpentry shop work with that of other trades.
• Assist supervisor in matters deserving attention regarding carpentry work.
• Assist in the preparation of estimates, reports and requisitions.
• Coordinate the flow of work orders, maintenance requests and other related forms between the shop and physical plant work control unit.
• Be able to perform all duties of carpenter or finish carpenter, following recognized procedures/techniques for such work, as required.
• Act as supervisor in his/her absence.
• Perform related duties as assigned.

Minimum Acceptable Qualifications:

• High school graduation or equivalent and four years of experience as carpenter.
• Knowledge of and ability to operate carpenter shop tools and equipment.
• Ability to lay out construction, remodeling and alteration work.
• Ability to read blueprints.
• Sufficient strength and physical dexterity to perform duties and responsibilities of this job, including heavy work with exposure to inclement weather conditions for prolonged periods of time.
• Must be able to wear and use appropriate personal protective equipment, as necessary.
• Supervisory ability.
• Valid motor vehicle operator's license if required.
• If warranted by specific job duties assigned to position, must pass drug and alcohol screening tests as mandated by Department of Transportation agency regulations.

Additional Desirable Qualifications:

• Experience in the institution being served.
• Working knowledge of one or more other trades.
• Willingness to keep informed of new materials and methods for maintenance of college/university buildings and structures.

Job Type: Full-time. Must be able to pass pre-employment drug test and have a good record. No phone interviews. Fill out application at our La Plata office or e-mail resume to Please no phone calls. Qualified applicants will be called in for interview.

  • Listing No.
  • 92226
  • Company Name
  • Hash Construction
Employment Sector Private Company
Job Field Construction
Type of Position Full-Time Permanent
Education Required Not Specified
  • County
  • Charles County
  • City
  • La Plata
Advertiser: ashleyduncan
Member Since: Jan 16, 2018
  La Plata, Maryland

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