ST Mary's City Trinity Episcopal Church Yardsale 
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Listing No. 92144 posted on 14 Sep (Expires on 28 Sep)

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SOMETHING for EVERYONE  Comforters, sheet sets, household items for kitchen and beyond, televisions and other electronics, glasssware, art, toys, tools, pet supplies, gardening supplies, baby and infabt toys, pillows, bikes, furniture, backpacks, tents, shelves, dishes, books, luggage, vacuum, clothing for all, seasonal decor, sewing machine, and so very much more.  All proceeds go to the church's programs.  Don't miss it!  Thur  2-7pm   Fri  8am-5pm   Sat. 8-11am
  • Listing No.
  • 92144
  • Sale Start Date
  • Thursday, September 26, 2024
  • Sale End Date
  • Saturday, September 28, 2024
Address & Driving Directions 47477 Trinity Church Road, St Mary's City Md . The same road as the historic state house is on, and near the new building being constructed at St Mary's College.
  • County
  • St. Mary's County
  • City
  • St. Mary's City
  • Charitable Event?
Advertiser: JennyRust
Member Since: Sep 11, 2017
  Callaway, Maryland

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